I have been a speaker/teacher to the following groups or institutions over the years:
- Colorado Chiropractic Association
- Colorado Chiropractic Society
- Wyoming Chiropractic Association
- Chiropractic Association of New York
- Southern California University of Healing Arts
- Capstone Managed Care Network
- Palmer College of Chiropractic Post Graduate Department
- Colorado College of Chiropractic
- Metlife Chiropractic Consultants
- Comprehensive Health Plan of Oregon
- Allied Chiropractic Centers of Wisconsin
- Rocky Mountain Kaiser Permanente Complementary Medicine Study Group
- New York College of Chiropractic Post Graduate Department
- Denver School of Medical Assistants
- North American Federation of Chiropractic Networks
- Kinesio Association International, Japan
- Chiropractic Association of Japan
- Kansas Wesleyan College
- Wyoming Massage Therapy Association
- Boulder School of Massage Therapy
- Rock Mountain Healing Arts Institute
- Patterson Medical, Omaha
- Boca Raton Physical Therapy
- Albuquerque chiropractic clinic
- New Mexico School of Medicine, Family Practice
- Children’s Hospital, Denver
- Fitsimmons Hospital Pediatric Dept.